VF-17 Carrier Qualification Specifications
The list of aircraft for both Allied and Axis are as follows:
To successfully complete carrier qualifications the pilot must record and submit to the commanding officer (or an officer of the CO's choice) on their gun camera 5 consecutive "traps" (successfully catching the wire) in the aircraft of their choice.
The recommended approach for landing is from the aft of the ship starting at a range of 8000-10000 yds and an alt. of 4000-5000 ft. Airspeed should be reduced to below 200 kts (with approx. 100 kts or less at touch down being optimum). To help achieve this it is recommended to lower flaps to 30' once airspeed is reduced to below 180 kts. At this point the landing gear should already be extended, I did mention that your GEAR SHOULD BE DOWN AND HOOK EXTENDED didn't I?. Maintain airspeed at just above stalling and shoot for the wires on the deck. Touchdown should occur on the rear 1/8th of the carrier's deck .
When touchdown occurs, the aircraft should come to a sudden and complete stop, at this point, immediately shut off the engine and "refuel". If filming a qualification (on or off-line) - type in "Trap #" to record the trap and to assure yourself of exactly how many consecutive traps you have completed.
Carrier qualification counts only toward the specific aircraft used in the film, to qualify on another aircraft a separate CQ film must be submitted using the appropriate aircraft. There will be separate wings awarded upon completion of both Allied and Axis aircraft. Once you have completed CQ with any of the US Navy/Marine aircraft you will be awarded the USN "Gold" Aviator wings. If you qualify with the Seafire you will receive the Royal Navy "flight wings" and if you qualify with the Japanese carrier aircraft you will receive the Imperial Japanese Navy "flight wings" as well.
Here are the wings you will be awarded upon completion of Carrier Qualifications.
US Navy/ US Marine Corps aircraft:
Royal Navy Aircraft:
Imperial Japanese Navy:
Good Luck with your Carrier Qualifications and don't have a ramp strike!
Lcdr. Reschke CO VF-17